Monday, January 2, 2012

AX 2012 VM new year license issue

Today, I tried to do some work in the AX2012_RTM_CU1 VM and found some standard functions were missing and couldn't open the dev workspace. Error said "insufficient rights to open a development workspace". I'm pretty sure everything was working fine in the VM before the holidays. When I checked the license info, the demo license expiry date had been somehow set back to 12/31/2006. I logged into ParterSource, downloaded the AX 2012 RTM demo license file, re-load it in the VM, and synchronized the db. Now the license expiry date is set to 12/31/2012, and everything starts working again.


  1. Looks fine but have you found the developer codes for this license ? The old ones does not apply to the new license.

  2. I didn't find any specific developer codes, but once i reloaded with the new license, i was able to do dev in the dev workspace.

  3. where on partnersource did you find the new demo license file to download
